Customer Testimonials

 Broadbent - Dalton.  Huddersfield.  Thank you Gary and Jonathan for neat and tidy job.

 Gibson - Rawthorpe. Huddersfield.  Arrived on time, reprogrammed my panel and explained the alarm system to me.  Excellent Job.  Many Thanks.

Ward - Bradford.  Thanks Jonathan, for your help in silencing my alarm. 

High Gary,  Many Thanks for your help.  Checked the contact as you suggested.  Fault cleared.  Mark at High Crest.

Mckinley - Bretton, Wakefield.  Many Thanks for your immediate attention.  Much appreciated.

Ellwood - Leeds,   Thanks Gary for your prompt attention. Rang you at 09,00 alarm repaired at 13.00.  Excellent service.

Nutton - Huddersfield.  Thank you Gary.  I have now managed to change the code.  Many thanks Andrew

Steven - Slaithwaite, Huddersfield.  Just like to say thank you Gary for a very neat and tidy job.

Stephenson - Huddersfield.  Thanks a million Gary. I so appreciate your help with my alarm.

Biebi - Leeds - Great service, much appreciated.

Coldwell - Bradford.  Thanks for your prompt service.  No more tamper faults. Cheers R.


